I don't know whether you can correctly label a brownie a member of the cookie family or not. Webster's Collegiate says, "A kind of small chocolate cake containing nuts."
I don't know whether you can correctly label a brownie a member of the cookie family or not. Webster's Collegiate says, "A kind of small chocolate cake containing nuts."
Here is a dish that is excellent — and hearty. It is from neighbor Florence Adams, who is a superb cook.
Cinnamon comes from the inner bark of a tree that grows in Java, the West Indies, Brazil, Egypt, and Ceylon. The last area produces the best-quality cinnamon with a tangy, pleasant, and distinctive flavor due to the tree's aromatic oil. Since ancient days, cooks have used this spice for its unique flavoring power.
Blanche and I agree on the essentials; but there are times when we don't see exactly eye to eye on some of the minor points — such as this business of the best breed of fudge.
Did you know that six species of grains have been used by man for many millennia? In ancient times when man first turned from nomadic to settled life because he had learned how to grow food, he raised millet, oats, barley, and wheat.
I am very partial to stews, soups, and chowders, and I have spent considerable time in evolving this recipe. This is due notice that this beef stew recipe supersedes any previous material I have written on the subject. I don't believe there's anything so basically wrong with our nation that more stews of this caliber will not correct it.
Ordinarily, I'm not a chiffon pie man. No sense in an airy, fluffy chiffon pie if you can have a mouthful of genuine fruit. But this pie, from the Woodbine Cottage in Sunapee, N.H., is different.
Today's recipe, baked limas with sausage, is a delicious, hearty combination. A man can make a meal on it and know he has foddered well.
There are 57-plus varieties of salad dressings, and some citizens I know are unconscionably stubborn about insisting that theirs is indisputably the world's best. I’m not going to be contumacious about it; all I am saying is that after testing and messing around with a few dressings, I know that this is the best one discovered to date.
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