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Looking for Ireland

In her memoir “Castles & Ruins,” Rue Matthiessen looks to recapture the mystery and magic of Ireland — and of her mother.

Jan 31, 2024
A Designer for the Rest of Us

Stan Herman’s memoir details the successful career of a designer both popular and commercial, while evoking all the color and character of the old garment district.

Jan 24, 2024
Land of the Disappeared

In “Lost Long Island,” Richard Panchyk lays out 21 examples of industries, people, places, things, and ways of life that have vanished from our fair Island.

Jan 17, 2024
Montauk’s ‘Stark Beauty’

Céline Keating’s novel tells a story of Montauk vanishing before our eyes, with all the underlying social and economic tensions and environmental woes triggered by its booming popularity.

Jan 10, 2024
The Son Also Rises

With “Quiet Street,” Nick McDonell has penned the unlikeliest of memoirs, detailing success and more success among the one percenters.

Jan 3, 2024
The 10 Best Books of 2023

Best-read man picks 10 best books, for the best year-end list you’ll find.

Dec 28, 2023
Murdoch and Fox: Careful What You Wish For

Electing an American president was Rupert Murdoch’s dream turned nightmare, Michael Wolff writes in his gossipy, occasionally obscene account of power and politics, “The Fall.”

Dec 20, 2023
Finding Solace

Idylls at an artist’s compound in Springs, an allegory for our times, and calming words of affirmation: It’s The Star’s kids’ book roundup.

Dec 13, 2023
On Wooley Pond

In his collection of essays Ralph Sneeden’s muse is the waters of North Sea and the South Shore, from boating to surfing, from boyhood to late middle age.

Dec 6, 2023
Loss Observed

Richard Brockman has written a deeply personal account of how he slowly, painfully freed himself from the trauma of his mother’s suicide in order to reclaim and recreate the narrative of his life.

Nov 30, 2023
M.F.A. Open House and Reading 

The M.F.A. program in creative writing and literature at Stony Brook Southampton is offering an open house at the campus’s Lichtenstein Center, with readings by faculty and students. It starts at 6 p.m. on Dec. 6 in Chancellors Hall.

Nov 29, 2023
Lou Reed: Forever Becoming

Will Hermes gives us Lou Reed in full: complicated, scandalous, arty, poetic, ambisexual, temperamental, a battler through critical and commercial disappointments.

Nov 21, 2023