A female Risso's dolphin over nine feet long was found beached and still alive at Albert's Landing Beach Friday morning, but rescuers' efforts could not save it.
A female Risso's dolphin over nine feet long was found beached and still alive at Albert's Landing Beach Friday morning, but rescuers' efforts could not save it.
The Peconic Estuary Partnership, which was to receive $2.7 million in federal funding toward projects that include a $200,000 stormwater mitigation effort in Sag Harbor and $100,000 of wetlands work in Southampton, is now unsure if that funding will be available following an executive order by the Trump administration that froze billions in federal grants.
The Southampton Town Kiwanis Club honored police officers from both East Hampton Town and Village at an awards dinner on Jan. 31, with Nicole Fierro winning Officer of the Year for the town.
A Sag Harbor woman reported a stranger in her backyard early Sunday morning. Police concluded that undisturbed snow on the ground suggested that nobody had entered her property. She then told the officer, “Maybe I didn’t see anyone, I just thought I did.”
Two drivers lost control on the ice, while an East Hampton man was taken to the hospital after his sedan was rear-ended by a van.
The East Hampton Town Board, after debating the merits of a handful of formulas to rein in house size, settled on a compromise to take to the public in a hearing on March 6: capping houses’ gross floor area to 7 percent of their lot area plus 1,500 square feet.
Thomas Gardella has announced his intention to seek a second two-year term as Sag Harbor Village mayor, citing in particular his contributions to environmental work.
The Wainscott Citizens Advisory Committee voted unanimously to write a letter to the East Hampton Town Board calling for the historic preservation of the entire 30-acre property at 66 Main Street, which the town purchased for $56 million last year with community preservation money.
East Hampton Town Board members discussed how they could further regulate parking in Montauk to create more turnover in the commercial district, allow for better enforcement, and discourage abandoned cars.
After news last week from the East Hampton Town Board that the Lake Montauk Inlet could undergo emergency dredging by the end of the month, Representative Nick LaLota confirmed Friday that "he has secured a commitment" from the Army Corps of Engineers to begin the work "as early as February 14."
To mitigate coastal erosion, Southampton Town has contracted the largest dredging company in the United States to place 1.2 million cubic yards of sand along a stretch of coastline between Bridgehampton and Sagaponack, following a referendum within the beach erosion control districts.
Five years after it closed its doors, the Southampton Cinema has reopened on Hill Street as the Southampton Playhouse, with IMAX features, first-run releases, and an inaugural repertory program of films from 1932.
For In Process @ the Watermill Center, three new artists in residence will discuss their projects and how they develop new work.
A melodious weekend at The Church in Sag Harbor will feature jazz, a Schubert song cycle, and a percussionist.
The Sag Harbor Cinema will present "Go West," a weeklong festival of seven classic westerns from the 1950s.
A tree once grew in East Hampton. A big tree. A “perfectly healthy tree” that was likely “a couple of lifetimes” old, according to Dave Collins, the East Hampton Village superintendent of public works. Then, a homeowner decided it needed to go and in a spasm of governmental efficiency, it was promptly removed by the state. The tree seems to have fallen victim to a cross-jurisdictional communication gap.
This weekend, as bad weather blows across the East End and you’re staring out the window, why not count the birds that you see at your feeder for the Great Backyard Bird Count?
The Wainscott Citizens Advisory Committee voted unanimously to write a letter to the East Hampton Town Board calling for the historic preservation of the entire 30-acre property at 66 Main Street, which the town purchased for $56 million last year with community preservation money.
Valentine's Day specials from Fresno, Highway, Loaves and Fishes, and Il Buco al Mare, wine classes at Park Place Wines and Liquors, and the Harvest on Fort Pond takes a break.
Next up in the Artists and Writers dinner series at Almond is Jackie Hoving, an artist, curator, and co-director of Tiger Strikes Asteroid Gallery in Brooklyn.
Valentine's Day specials from 1770 House and Bell and Anchor, food tastings at HarborFrost, and cooking classes at Silver Spoon.
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