Leading off? A letter breaking down the structure of the letters section itself. And more from The Star’s stable of readers and commentators.
Leading off? A letter breaking down the structure of the letters section itself. And more from The Star’s stable of readers and commentators.
It’s school board vote ramp-up week in The Star’s estimable letters section.
It was a choice week in the Land of Letters. Read on.
Another busy week in Star letters. There's even one that questions the paper's letters policy.
Kudos and complaints: It’s The Star’s weekly raft of letters.
Insight into what's on our readers' minds this week.
The continuing drama of the expansive, legendary Star letters pages makes for great reading. Always.
The Arts Center at Duck Creek, the Long Island Collection, and Town Historian Hugh King come in for some high praise.
The readers will have their say — and a lot of it.
On development and preservation, Star readers weigh in.
It’s the pre-holiday raft of reader comment . . .
The Star — legendary for its open forum for extensive reader comment. And here’s this week’s . . .
Marijane Meaker
December 4, 2022
Dear David,
I wish to add to the fine obituary of Marijane Meaker in the Nov. 24 Star. I was one of the original members of the Ashawagh Hall Writers Workshop that Marijane organized and led, from September 1983 through May 2014. In addition to her many accomplishments as a writer, she was an excellent teacher, skillfully leading the workshop. We met every Thursday evening for two hours upstairs in Ashawagh Hall through the academic year.
Part of This Place
November 26, 2022
To the Editor,
Okay, Bess or David or whoever also must be part of this accolade, perhaps it is because we got a small little space in the holiday East magazine that I paged through and read more intensely, but it is more likely that because the issue is such a work of art and so beautifully a statement of what is actually part of this place that I can't place it aside and remain mute.
It was an unusually short week in East Hampton Star reader comment . . .
From post-midterm fallout to the Potter plans for downtown Sag Harbor, readers weigh in.
From affordable housing to adoption, here’s the last raft of reader comment written before the midterm election.
On the election, pollinator gardens, and plastics.
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