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Handshakes, and Thanks

It’s a sign of a healthy community when you have good people vying for a public position, especially one that can be relatively thankless, like that of school board member. Barbara Dayton, the Springs School Board’s president who lost her seat in Tuesday’s election, is an example of an upstanding citizen who has worked hard, achieved much, and deserves a tip of the hat.

May 23, 2024
Gristmill: To the Nunnery

You, too, may have found yourself wondering about the staying power of even the best of “prestige television.” A nun to the rescue.

May 23, 2024
Cranberry Hole Road Bridge in Limbo

The Cranberry Hole Road bridge in Amagansett has been closed for repairs for a year. And, from appearances, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority is in no hurry to reopen it.

May 23, 2024
Point of View: Harken, ’Tis a Tufted Towhee

So, what did I learn this week? That Audubon “more than once described birds that almost certainly never existed,” and that the L.V.I.S. didn’t have any pants with a 35-inch waist.

May 23, 2024
Rewilding Wild Turkeys

Back in 1992, when the state turned a few wild turkeys loose in the woods, few people, if any, anticipated how well they would do. These days they are as common as deer but somewhat less destructive. In ecological terms, wild turkeys are a good thing.

May 23, 2024
Gristmill: Through Yonder Window

How Yondr pouches remade one school’s lunchtime.

May 16, 2024
Basements Matter

On square footage, a key argument that the don’t-count-the-basement crowd cites is that what happens underground has no impact on neighbors or the community.

May 16, 2024
Guestwords: Turning 90

It’s typical of people my age to look back with nostalgia and say it’s too bad everything has gone to hell. But I look forward.

May 16, 2024
The Shipwreck Rose: Lost Soles

It’s been a long time since I owned any shoes that felt worthy of a Polaroid or that seemed to reflect anything in particular about my character or my autobiography.

May 16, 2024
Million-Dollar Question

Parsing the Wainscott School District’s budget proposal.

May 16, 2024
Point of View: ‘Not Yet, Not Yet,’ He Said

I wonder if it’s all right to wear warmup pants and a Bonac hoodie to the Press Club of Long Island’s Hall of Fame induction ceremony.

May 16, 2024
The Mast-Head: Gardening by the Stars

Think what we may about the yearly climate cycle on the East End, some kind of seasonal calendar is needed to anticipate when to take the dahlia and tomato seedlings outside.

May 16, 2024