Fans of village beaches, mark your calendars. The village’s in-person sale of nonresident beach parking permits to East Hampton Town residents who live outside village boundaries will take place on Jan. 28 at the Emergency Services Building on Cedar Street. The sale will begin at 9 a.m. and continue through 6 p.m.
On that day, town residents will pay $500 for a seasonal beach permit. They must arrive with a completed permit application (available on the village website), a check or money order payable to the Village of East Hampton, a vehicle registration in the name of the property owner or renter, and proof of residency in the town in the form of either a tax bill or three utility bills that list the town service address.
“You must purchase permits one at a time,” the village emphasizes on its website, adding, “If you plan to purchase a permit for someone else, you will have to get back in line.”
Those unable to make it in person or to send a representative with their information will have another chance to snag a nonresident permit. Online sales will open on Feb. 3 at 9 a.m. Permits will be open to anyone, regardless of where they live, on that date, and will cost $750 plus a 6-percent credit card processing fee.
Seasonal permits cover parking between May 15 and Sept. 15 at Georgica, Main, Wiborg’s, Egypt, and Two Mile Hollow Beaches. A total of 3,100 nonresident permits will be sold.