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Letters to the Editor for October 13, 2022

Wed, 10/12/2022 - 17:35

Largest Clam
October 10, 2022

Dear David,

Another successful Largest Clam Contest was held on Sunday and chaired by Susan McGraw Keber for the trustees. Everyone enjoyed a bottomless soup pot and tasty clam pies and local clams. Bringing our community together is a huge appeal and shows the pleasure we have in living in a vibrant area.



Warm Remembrances
October 9, 2022

Dear David,

I would like to thank all those who attended the dedication of the gardens at Home, Sweet Home Museum in memory of my wife, Loretta Orion, on Sept. 29.

The day was filled with so many smiling faces and warm remembrances of Loretta. I would like to especially thank the village officials for not only championing the idea of naming the gardens in Loretta’s memory, but working hard to implement the ceremony.

The speakers: former Mayor Paul Rickenbach; those who worked at the garden with Loretta, Aimee Webb, Geoffrey Heppenheimer (read by his mother, Martha Heppenheimer), and Jill Salazar, all captured Loretta’s enthusiasm and dedication to the gardens in their speeches. Mayor Larsen concluded the ceremony, summing up Loretta’s time at the gardens, by reading the plaque that the village had ordered and installed.

The Strong Sisters’ rendition of “Home, Sweet Home” set the right tone for the beginning of the ceremony, and Jenn Lilja and her staff at the Hedges Inn provided refreshments at the end of the ceremony. And I would like to thank Elaine Weiss, whose poem about Loretta touched all who were in attendance.

Yours truly,



Longtime Friend
East Hampton Village
October 9, 2022

To the Editor,

As a longtime friend and theatrical colleague of Bob Kalfin’s, I will miss him greatly. We spoke on the phone several times during our years of Covid isolation but mutually demurred on having dinner together.

I worked as a set and lighting designer with him; first sets at the Chelsea Theatre after talking on the elevator at the Brooklyn Academy, as he had seen my designs there for Bob Wilson’s “Deafman Glance,” and later most notably the set and lights for “Truly Blessed,” a gospel show with Queen Esther Marrow that played at Ford’s Theater in Washington and subsequently was moved to Broadway. Locally, I did the set and lights for him for an evening of one-act plays by Terrence McNally at the John Drew.

I remember when first meeting Bob at one point he bluntly declared, “I have two lovers,” and it seemed that he in fact did, at least at that time. My greatest regret is that I never shared with him the song lyrics I wrote with his declaration as the title during a couple years of almost compulsive songwriting. I knew his marvelous laugh and I’m certain that it will resound in another place if I bring these lyrics to him here:


“Two Lovers”


I used to be restless and out-on-the-town,

Never able to settle down

And just enjoy the special things in life;

There was a lot of heartache,

A lot of strife.

But now things are looking up,

If you get my gist:

Love has come along,

But with a special twist.


I’ve got two lovers.

Do you think I’m greedy?

I’ve got two lovers.

Now I’m almost never needy.


One works by day,

The other works at night;

They rarely pass in the hall.

They never have a fight.


I’ve got two lovers.

I was tired of all that struggling.

Now I’m becoming

An expert at juggling.

I’m hardly ever alone.

It’s like having a two-line phone.


One is sunny and bright,

The other is moody and deep.

I’m busy day and night;

I hardly ever sleep;

But when I take a cat-nap

They know not to make a peep.


I can’t complain about vigor;

I’m really keeping up my “figger.”

Aerobics and classes are a thing of the past;

Who’s got the time when you’re living so fast?


I’ve got two lovers.

I’m really thankful.

The fuel gauge never points to empty;

I’ve always got a tank-full.


I’ve spent my time in the desert

Surrounded by bores;

Now the drought is over:

When it rains, it pours.

I’ve got two lovers.

No time for depression

Or singing the blues;

I’m not even nervous,

Though there’s a lot I could lose.

I’ve got a clean bill of health:

Physical, mental, and dental,

And it keeps me from getting

Too sentimental.


If you’re sitting alone in a rented room

Thinking of ways to dispel the gloom,

You wish you had a special friend,

Imagine your life with a happy end,

Take it from one who knows:

Look, a foot has a lot of toes,

Don’t wish for just one,

Ask for everything under the sun.

There’s a special sparkle to the morning dew

When you know you’ve got





Work and Stories
Lakeville, Conn.
October 10, 2022

Dear David,

I am writing to bring to your attention the departures from the Parrish Art Museum this month of two extraordinary and long-serving staff members: Alicia Longwell, the Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman chief curator, and Cara Conklin-Wingfield, the deputy director for art education. As director of the Parrish from 1980 to 2007, I had the pleasure of working with each of them, and know how their efforts enriched not only the institution but East End communities as well.

With a vision to define the Parrish regionally, we concentrated on the art of the North and South Forks. Alicia was exhaustive in uncovering and exploring the work and stories of local artists, many of whom moved in the 1950s to East Hampton, Springs, Montauk, Bridgehampton, and Sag Harbor, finding inspiration in the landscape, light, and network of friendships.

Alicia created exhibitions on Alice Aycock, Dorothea Rockburne, Joe Zucker, Jack Youngerman, Costantino Nivola, Keith Sonnier, Michelle Stuart, Almond Zigmund, Esteban Vicente, John Torreano, Jane Wilson, Jane Freilicher, Saul Steinberg, Lucien Smith, Frederick Kiesler, Mary Heilmann, Mike Solomon, April Gornik, and Eric Fischl, to name just a few, and her blockbuster shows, “North Fork/South Fork: East End Now” and “Sand: Memory, Meaning and Metaphor,” broadened our understanding of the region’s enduring artistic history.

Along the way, Alicia also completed her Ph.D. with the book and exhibition “John Graham: Maverick Modernist” on an East End resident whose influence on Abstract Expressionism is legion. And behind the scenes, Alicia worked to build the collection, ensure proper storage and conservation, to visit with artists and collectors, and to work with guest curators, editors, and designers.

With the establishment of the Maren and Werner Otto Fund, Alicia laid the historical and digital groundwork to place, research, and study artists who lived and worked in the region since the 19th century and made a significant contribution to American and international art. Now numbering close to 1,000 artists. Cara Conklin-Wingfield then initiated “Artists Stories,” with an interactive map layered with biographical information, narratives, and social networks throughout the region, accessible on the Parrish website.

Cara also developed exceptional programs and experiences that deepened the sense of community in the region. In East Hampton, for example, the Parrish collaborated with high school art classes and life skills and a program to take artists to persons with cognitive conditions. These high school students also worked each year on an annual artist-in-residency project engaging with artists such as Jeremy Dennis, Lonnie Holley, Alexis Rockman, and many others. Residents throughout the region were invited to partake in after-school and summer programs, online tours and workshops, the Annual Art Exhibition, full-day visual arts camp, workshops, and school visits.

So many communities throughout the region benefited from Cara and Alicia’s time at the Parrish. They were remarkable people and gave back with intelligence, with purpose, and with imagination, enlarging upon the museum’s sense of place and meaning. Importantly, they have provided a solid foundation on which the museum’s new director, Monica Ramirez-Montagut, and staff can build. I wish them all the very best in their new pursuits.




Go It Alone?
East Hampton
October 8, 2022

Dear Editor,

Watching the battle in Springs over cellular service, I am reminded of the many attempts in East Hampton to go it alone. We might call this East Hampton exceptionalism.

Joe Holmes, a Bonacker, once told me that during World War II the draft board sent out some fellows to round up the draft dodgers in Springs. When they were finally able to find Springs and find a draft dodger they were met with the question “What war?”

The same question is asked today with regard to cellular service, “What cellular service?”

The 4G cellular antennas that cover a wide area are gradually being replaced by fiberoptic cables linked to smaller 5G telephone pole antennas in other communities but not in East Hampton. The emergency services cellular systems marketed by Verizon and AT&T that use their own networks are being used in other communities, but here in East Hampton we have developed our own superior $12 million emergency services system which apparently requires tall line-of-sight towers. This is East Hampton exceptionalism in action.

So once you turn your fate over to the brilliant minds on the town board and accept the fact that you elected these politicians, your only choice is “no cellphone signal; get used to it.” Turn off cellular on your cellphone, turn on Wi-Fi calling only, reboot the cellphone, and don’t make calls while driving. Or, get voice over IP.

Who knows, in 20 years we may all be using satellite phones connected to the Musk Starlink low earth orbit system. Or we may have decided to go back to drums and smoke signals.

One thing I know for sure, that opportunity to put a tollbooth on the bridge over the Shinnecock Canal was a missed opportunity.




Alternative Visions
East Hampton
October 10, 2022

Dear David,

A couple of thoughts to make our town better:

Vote “yes” on Nov. 8 for the real estate transfer tax for housing initiatives, this half-percent tax will pay into a fund that will really help locals stay in this town, boost our work force, alleviate traffic, and sustain authentic community.

Let’s reform our zoning code to rein in overdevelopment, specifically massive houses. Let’s discourage single-family detached housing and create multifamily zoning that can allow for denser development where it makes sense in hamlet centers. Better yet, abolish the zoning code altogether — there is a very compelling argument for this that I will expand upon in further letters to the editor.

Let’s support alternative visions for the airport and the gun club. There are so many better uses for these properties that will truly benefit the entire town and help us achieve many goals in one.

Let’s get more electric car chargers in town and the village. We should absolutely have at least one fast charger at this point; we won’t have widespread E.V. adoption without them. While we’re at it, I wish Tesla owners would leave the universal charger in the village alone, they have an entire parking lot with rows of proprietary chargers less than half a mile away that seems to never be used (free advertising for Tesla and a village giveaway). I wish they would be courteous to those drivers that really depend on the universal charger who can’t use the Tesla chargers. Obviously we just need more!

Ban pesticides: They are all toxic and impair our precious water, doing little to kill target species and instead create ecological dead zones. Plant native species and pollinator gardens on a wide scale instead.

Stiffer penalties for overclearing trees: We need them now more than ever, and too many property owners get away with this to everyone’s detriment.

Ban Astroturf: Plastic fields that leach toxic PFAS “forever chemicals” over time and can’t be recycled have no business being here or anywhere. Sag Harbor School District, take notice.

The town should take the Dark Sky Society’s recommendation for the replacing of our streetlight bulbs to be 2,200 Kelvin or lower, the current choice of new LEDs will create glare, blot out dark skies, damage vision, and disturb wildlife.

We need a large-scale community solar project. Let’s use at least part of the airport for this purpose. Retrofitting roofs for solar installations should be a top priority for town buildings at a minimum.

A community composting program for food waste should be subsidized by the town. We pay to cart this resource away when it can be used to enhance our soils. Pilot programs are now being proposed, let’s support this idea!



For Proposal 3
October 9, 2022

Dear David,

We’re all aware of the lack of affordable housing in the Hamptons — a longstanding problem exacerbated by the Covid-generated real estate boom.

There’s no magic bullet to fix it, but as voters there are steps we can take. For starters, we can pass Proposal 3 in next month’s general election: “To fund affordable housing opportunities in East Hampton Town.” If passed, funding would come from a modest, half-percent real estate tax, paid by buyers on the sale of homes above $400,000. First-time buyers would be exempt. This past week, both The Star and Newsday endorsed passage. It makes sense.

I’m guessing that most readers of The Star understand the depth of the problem, so this won’t be a long letter, simply this: Please, if you’re concerned about the future of affordable housing in our community, I urge you to vote for Proposal 3 on Nov. 8. It represents an important step in fixing the problem.



Housing Initiatives
October 10, 2022

Dear Editor:

Reading your editorial about housing initiatives on the ballot this Election Day reminded me of a similar attempt by the town board back in 2006 (I was a member of the board at the time), though it was different in detail, such as the focus would be on young people who committed to staying in town for a few years (couldn’t immediately flip for a quick profit), not to increase buildout by buying already-built houses, and other requirements and qualifications. The town could then provide seed money at a low or no-interest rate. The main difference was the money raised would be from gifts or grants from the wealthy, rather then a tax. I must say the idea was initially well received; what a wonderful tax writeoff, after all. However, we found we were forbidden by state law to act as any sort of bank or compete with private lenders, so it simply died.

We also soon found would-be donors began to believe they deserved a say in where “affordable” families should live. It was their cash, you know. So, being the cynic I am, I have to wonder, how will a new owner of a four-mill McMansion feel about a forced $40,000 tax bill contributing to an “affordable housing” neighbor nearby?

Thank you,



Financial Burden
October 8, 2022

Dear David,

I am all for having more affordable housing in East Hampton. At the same time, the projects tend to be planned in Springs. I am concerned about the impact on the Springs School. Will the school need more teachers, another expansion, etc.? The burden then falls on Springs residents through increased taxes to support the increased school budget. All East Hampton benefits from welcoming in the families, but the financial burden needs to be shared by all.



Requires a Plan
October 9, 2022

Dear Mr. Rattray,

In your editorial last week “Housing on the Ballot,” you addressed the details and possible pitfalls of this new tax, but failed to recognize the enabling legislation that requires a plan (to be part of the town’s comprehensive plan) that identifies various goals and how to achieve them; there is none.

I am an advocate for creating more affordable housing in East Hampton. I reside in Springs, the “affordable” hamlet. Several friends, local workers, and contractors have told me how difficult it is to find reasonably priced rental housing that is not substandard or unlawful.

The town has been making slow progress since the adoption of the 2005 comprehensive plan. One target set at that point was 1,100 units of new affordable housing. We are at about 500 affordable units now, with about 125 to 150 more now planned. I understand the town, with federal, state, and county partners, provides rent subsidies of about $1 million per year. Clearly, more progress is needed.

New York State adopted a law last year that enables the five Peconic Bay Region towns to adopt local laws to create community housing funds, subject to a mandatory referendum, and the preparation of a community housing project plan.

I hope town voters will consider these comments prior to the vote. First, there is no real plan how to spend the money. The Oct. 3 draft “Community Housing Fund Project Plan” is a good “needs statement” identifying the pressures on low-income families for housing. It also describes the range of options allowed by the new law but no goals, priorities, or actions, plans, financial forecasts, etc.

Second, a housing fund can create $1 billion in new housing over its life with reasonable leverage! If that level of spending is invested in projects like the projects now underway, it will require over 1,000 acres of land, produce about 2,000 units of housing and add 5,000 people to the town. Obviously, this is not going to work well for our town for very long. Other strategies need to be fleshed out and become part of the housing plan.

Third, the local law residency requirement is too low; the income limits are too high, almost doubling the maximum income allowed, to $174,000 to $203,000, allowing most middle-class families to participate. We need to give priority to the lower income service workers who are long-term residents already raising families in our town.

Finally, there is no mention at all of the big elephants in the room, such as temporary housing for the summer peak that is needed to support a town that triples in size the summer. There is no acknowledgement of the limits of demographic growth in a town that grew by one-third in the last 10 years to 28,300 people. There is mention of the expanded transportation necessary to assist our work force, but there is no provision in the local law to allow funding. There is no facility for sharing funding between towns to locate concentrated housing and good transportation solutions together.

Some of the other Peconic towns are making an effort to prepare real plans and have hired consultants: Southold and Shelter Island. Even Southampton, which is well behind our town on housing, is trying to articulate some elements of a real plan. You mentioned Riverhead in your editorial, but I believe they are not putting a referendum to the people this year.

So, we are faced with voting for an additional tax on “other people” to fund something that sounds like the community preservation fund that has been hugely successful over the last 20 years. This housing challenge will not be as easy as buying vacant land to set aside for conservation or open space. Everybody likes that!

I hope that your paper will provide us more information on the planning that’s going on because it appears there is none.




Why the Need?
Sag Harbor
October 9, 2022

To the Editor:

I am writing in response to the article “All Eyes on a Land Buy in Sag Harbor” from Oct. 6 about the Sag Harbor School District purchasing the Marsden Street lots near the school for “athletic facilities.” I find it absurd that the public is asked for a community vote for the spending money on Nov. 3 for a project that “Mr. Nichols reminded them that all the details of the fields would be worked out after the land was bought.” So the entire community is in the dark about exactly what this project is about and we are voting on this? I cannot believe the school would put this forward to the public.

When the public asked Mr. Nichols to see plans for this project, he said there are none available to be seen. In addition, he stated back on Sept. 7 to The Star that “artificial turf is part of the discussion that we are going to have moving forward.” Is Southampton Town aware that toxic turf containing PFAS (“forever” chemicals) are being considered on community preservation fund-purchased land that is a wooded lot and a recharge area for our groundwater, protecting not only the neighborhood but the school itself from flooding?

In addition to this issue, I find it upsetting that the school is spending so many taxpayer dollars on athletic facilities. Why the need for more land where there is a field at Pierson, a field at the elementary school, and a 45-acre park that has had a decades-long relationship with the school a half-mile away. Why are we not focusing on visual arts in every grade — as that is not currently happening in the school — or buying houses that can be leased to teachers as the teacher housing crisis is an immediate issue for not just this community but for the entire East End?

We are a coastal community, and we could be using the money to fund a marine biology lab, such as the wet lab at Southampton High School, so the students can have an immersive experience in these fields. I am hoping the community can vote for transparency and a future that includes the entire student population and not just extracurricular sports.



Many Wild Accusations
October 10, 2022

Dear David,

I’m not surprised about the misinformation and fearmongering emanating out of the Wainscott Citizens Advisory Committee, as reported in your article, “Wainscott Residents Fed Up With Gun Club.” These are the same tactics the committee used to oppose the offshore cable landing on Beach Lane. The committee is certainly damaging its own reputation, again acting like Chicken Little, jumping to baseless accusations. Why don’t we learn they shouldn’t be believed anymore? While serving on the committee, I can tell you it is a cultlike organization.

I’m a Wainscott resident who isn’t fed up, who lives about a quarter-mile closer to the gun club than Mr. Raebeck, who was quoted in the article making many wild accusations. I’m an eyewitness of one of our neighbors shooting a deer with a rifle. It is common to hear gunfire in the middle of the night in our neighborhood but it’s not coming from the gun club. The road signs along Daniel’s Hole Road and Wainscott Northwest Road have been replaced many times because of bullet holes in them; they didn’t originate from the gun club. I used to hike the trails around the woodlands from Town Line Road to Stephen Hand’s Path and have seen many things shot up, with bullet holes that couldn’t originate from the gun club. While at the gun club, we’ve heard gunshots from the direction of the power lines. It is irresponsible for anyone to spread misinformation, baseless allegations, and fearmongering prior to the conclusion of the investigation that is still underway.

One night I heard several rifle shots and reported them to the East Hampton Town Police Department. I’m involved in shooting sports and for full disclosure am a member of the gun club, I can tell the difference between shotgun, handgun, and rifle fire. Hearing shotgun fire at night is common. It is known some folks poach deer at night, that sharpshooters had culled deer around the airport in the past, but the rifle fire concerned me enough to report it to the police department.

The gun club plays an important role in our community; several police departments train there. When I hear automatic gunfire coming from the gun club, I feel safer knowing our local law enforcement officers are training to protect the citizens in our community. When law enforcement officers are called to defend against an active shooter, we expect them to be well trained and to shoot accurately but that only happens with constant training, plus I’m an advocate of more training, rather than less, for both law enforcement and citizen gun owners. Imagine a police department that doesn’t have a place to train or citizens who don’t have a place to learn about gun safety? That would be far more dangerous than the complaints we are hearing today.

The gun club has a stellar safety record. I understand accidents can happen but a neighbor had complained in the past about a rifle bullet shot at their home claiming it came from the gun club that was totally debunked; many believe it was self-inflicted.

Hunting is a way of life for many in our community. Folks practice skeet or trap shooting prior to going out bird or duck hunting. Folks sight in their rifles prior to hunting around the country. There is a shotgun season for deer in our community. Becoming proficient in firearms increases safety in all sorts of shooting and hunting sports. Some folks are involved in competitive shooting sports and travel around the country, including to the Olympics. Having a facility in our community to practice, to train, and be socially active with folks with common interests is part of what a community is about.

The gun club was in existence way before most of the houses were built around the gun club. Mr. Raebeck and I moved into the area about the same time; we all heard the gunshots prior to making our decisions to move here, in fact more shooting was going on then when we moved here than I hear today, so for those who are annoyed by the sound of gunfire, there’s less shooting occurring today, there’s less of an impact to the neighbors, unlike the airport. Let’s examine all the facts before making baseless, wild, fearmongering statements quoted in this article. If an accident did occur, there are solutions to prevent the same accident from occurring in the future, rather than a knee-jerk reaction by throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Let common sense prevail, not the fearmongering and baseless accusations we hear about today prior to any conclusions and possible recommendations to improve safety that might be concluded from the investigation.




Ten Percent
October 9, 2022

To the Editor,

Catherine Casey, the executive director of East Hampton Housing Authority, May 2016: “Only about 10 percent of the land is available for development.”

Peter Van Scoyoc, town supervisor, July 2021: “We have about only 10 percent left of buildable land.”

Really? Are you buying that? Continued new complexes, construction daily everywhere, and an increase in population.

Was the answer at the LTV panel the same? Or did the subject not even get brought up?

Still here,



Voter Suppression
October 10, 2022

Dear David,

I’m writing in response to Manny Vilar’s letter to The Star dated Oct. 3. I want to start by agreeing with Mr. Vilar, the chairman of The East Hampton Town Republican Committee, that voter suppression is un-American. But while Mr. Vilar is sounding the alarm over the theft of a single “Zeldin for Governor” lawn sign, I’d like to point out that Congressman Lee Zeldin’s campaign was recently denied a bid to be on the Independence line on the Nov. 8 ballot due to nearly 13,000 invalid signatures, many of them photocopies. This has led to an investigation by the New York State Board of Elections and the Albany County district attorney into the New York State Republican Committee for alleged campaign fraud.

Mr. Zeldin’s campaign has been noticeably quiet about the scandal, which is curious considering that as congressman, Mr. Zeldin very famously voted against certification of Joe Biden as president citing concerns of election fraud and wrongdoing as his reasons why. As recently as this past June during a G.O.P. primary debate, Mr. Zeldin continued to question the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s victory.

Sadly, it has become a cornerstone of the Republican platform to promote the Big Lie, whether overtly or through carefully worded double talk and innuendo. A recent report conducted by The Washington Post about the upcoming midterm elections discovered that election deniers will be on the ballot in 48 out of 50 states and that nearly 300 Republicans seeking office this November have denied the outcome of the last presidential election. Mr. Zeldin was, of course, included among the election deniers identified in the report.

So while I appreciate that the theft of a lawn sign is wrong and unfortunate, I would argue that it is a stretch to call it voter suppression. I would further argue that the attempt by Donald Trump to steal an election, essentially overturning the will of millions of Americans by nullifying their votes, is actual voter suppression and is about as un-American as you can get. The attempted theft of American votes by both violent and criminal means should have finally been the line in the sand that the Republican Party would not cross, but as we continue to see with Mr. Zeldin and so many other members of his party, they are all-in for Trumpism regardless of the very clear and present danger it presents to our democracy.

The threat is real, and the Republican Party has told us in no uncertain terms that, given the chance, they will not hesitate to try to steal the election again in 2024. And if they are successful, we won’t be worrying about being un-American because America as we know it will cease to exist.



East Hampton Democratic Committee


From Red to Blue
October 10, 2022

Dear David,

With the incredibly crucial election right around the corner, I am writing to urge everyone to check that they are properly registered. The New York deadline for voter registration is Oct. 14. And please remind your friends and family in other states to do the same. or are links that offer information for each state.

Next, make sure to actually go out and vote and choose Bridget Fleming for Congress. Why? Because there is no question that she will be a true asset in the House supporting the reproductive rights of women, climate legislation, worker-friendly economic policies, common-sense gun safety, and more.

Our district can flip from red to blue, helping to keep the House Democratic! With district lines changed, Bridget needs as many votes as possible from the East End to counter those who live UpIsland who are not as familiar with the excellent work she has done, and most certainly will do, as our representative.




Radical Ideology
October 9, 2022

Dear David,

Crime continues to be out of control and gets worse by the day in New York. The cause of crime is directly related to the anti-police cashless bail policies that Bridget Fleming and many radical extremists in the Democratic Party support.

The worst kind of politician is someone who is disingenuous. They won’t tell you what they think, and they’ll attempt to mislead you with catchy phrases and slick terms. Then when push comes to shove, they will try to avoid taking a stand, so it’s harder to pin them down.

Bridget Fleming supports defunding the police. Bridget Fleming supports cashless bail. Bridget Fleming supports the radical ideology of the Black Lives Matter organization. Bridget Fleming supports critical race theory. Bridget Fleming supports the diminishing of parental rights. Bridget Fleming supports open borders and is unphased by the flood of fentanyl that is killing many of our youth.

Bridget Fleming is a radical extremist who will tell you anything to conceal her radical ideology. If you support defunding the police, cashless bail release, critical race theory, policies of division and exclusion, and the release of violent criminals from prison, you should vote for Bridget Fleming and the rest of the Democratic Party candidates.

If you support law and order adequately funding the police, a bail system that is fair and equitable and that keeps dangerous criminals behind bars, I urge you to vote for Nicholas LaLota for Congress, Lee Zeldin for governor, and the entire slate of candidates on the Republican or Conservative Party line.



East Hampton Town Republican Committee


The Most Unsafe
October 9, 2022

Dear David,

According to the Centers for Disease Control and other statistics, the states with the highest per-capita homicide rates are, in descending order: Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, Arkansas, and Texas. It is hard to believe that these deep-red MAGA states are the most unsafe for residents and visitors. One can only hope that their Republican legislatures will take some measures to restore law and order so law-abiding citizens will not have to be afraid to venture outside. I love to travel throughout our beautiful nation, but will skip all of the above except Florida, because I love Sarasota.




Democracy Or?
October 8, 2022


To voters: Democracy or chaos? It’s time to choose.




Forfeited Right
East Hampton
October 10, 2022


Today in the United States, there are 150 members of Congress who voted to overturn the 2020 election results. There are also thousands of elected or appointed officials who have taken the same position. Every one of these officials who has taken an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution is in violation of Article 14, Section 3. This clearly states that all of the above-mentioned officials have forfeited their right to hold office of any kind at any level of government, that their existence in the Congress and elsewhere in government should be immediately terminated. Sedition is the official charge, defined as conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of the state.

If your brain cells are incapable of absorbing the reality of the aforementioned amendment, there are a million videos explicitly showing that a large mob of people attacked the U.S. Capitol killing and wounding people and threatening to execute members of Congress with the purpose of overturning an election that had been certified and verified five times over.

So, if we are capable of connecting the dots, Jan. 6 is the result of election denial. They are both equally violent and aimed at overturning the elected government. Logically, if the attack on the Capitol is defined as an insurrection and election denial is the motivating factor, they are substantially linked under Article 14.

So, 259 Republicans who are running for office next month have publicly stated that the 2020 results were illegitimate. Why are they allowed to run for office?

There are no debates, no gray areas. Sedition is not a good thing. Or is it? Normally, sedition means prison. Does it now qualify as a badge of honor?



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