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Guestwords: Valuable Vulnerabilities

Now that I am an octogenarian, my sense of risk increases at every turn. At the same time, I have gained an understanding of vulnerability as a character trait that allows me to be more open to what the world may offer.

Jul 25, 2024
Guestwords: Into Local Sailing History

It’s a rare thing to be part of an all-female crew on a sailboat, and yet that’s where I found myself in the middle of Noyac Bay.

Jul 18, 2024
Guestwords: A Life of Horses

Down the road I found a cream-colored, brown-speckled pony staked to a post in a farmer's yard. He was stunted, thick-barreled, short-necked. My stack of bills and quarters was enough, and a horsewoman was born.

Jul 11, 2024
Guestwords: Keepsake and Proof

The love of objects isn’t necessarily symptomatic of greed. Sometimes they become an extension of who we are, and a tangible sign of our connection to others.

Jul 3, 2024
Guestwords: Nothing Held Back

If you were witty, she was delighted. If you were needy, she was giving. If you were aspirational, she was your number-one cheerleader. We all should be more like Mary Graves.

Jun 27, 2024
Guestwords: A Churchillian Climate Plan

Conservatives will accept the reality of climate change once they realize that the most effective solution is one that depends on market forces rather than government regulation.

Jun 20, 2024
Guestwords: The Slog From Normandy

After D-Day, why did it take the Allies 11 months to make it from Normandy to Berlin, when normally it’s a day’s drive?

Jun 13, 2024
Guestwords: Big Red on the Hoof

A last-minute trip to Belmont Park one June day in 1973 led to our correspondent witnessing a once-in-a-lifetime triumph — Secretariat’s Triple Crown.

Jun 6, 2024
Guestwords: Bucket of Rocks List

The idea of downing a brisk brew now and again is growing on me. It seems to match my middle-aged self, my slower self, my more contented self.

May 30, 2024
Guestwords: Paradise Found and Lost

One sportfisherman’s perspective on how Montauk has changed.

May 23, 2024
Guestwords: Turning 90

It’s typical of people my age to look back with nostalgia and say it’s too bad everything has gone to hell. But I look forward.

May 16, 2024
Guestwords: The Mother You Get

I wanted someone who baked cookies. My mother painted pictures.

May 9, 2024