New York has filed a petition with the federal government to establish fair quota allocations for the state’s commercial harvest of fluke.
New York has filed a petition with the federal government to establish fair quota allocations for the state’s commercial harvest of fluke.
The former Boys and Girls Harbor campsite on Three Mile Harbor in East Hampton, may see a renovation that would include a covered pavilion. The creation of more accessible trails that adhere to Americans With Disabilities Act requirements has also been added to the plan.
In an era when police fight crime with high-tech gadgetry — Tasers and license plate readers in patrol cars — a much lower-tech instrument now helps East Hampton Town police handle crowds at special events as well as in downtown Montauk during the summer season: the bicycle.
The East Hampton Town Shellfish Hatchery disseminated about 40 million oysters, clams, and scallops into town waters last year, but enjoyed more success with clams and oysters than with scallops.
A jury found a Northwest Woods man charged with violating East Hampton Town’s rental registry law in 2016 not guilty after a trial at East Hampton Town Justice Court last week.
At the John M. Marshall Elementary School a new optional enrichment series introduces kids to guest speakers from the community who share their expertise -- and maybe even a pony -- during lunch and recess periods.
On Friday, just two weeks and a day before her son’s wedding reception at the Hedges Inn in East Hampton, Joanne Lester O’Brien learned that East Hampton Village had denied a permit for the March 31 event.
A Southampton lawyer is taking the Town of East Hampton and several chemical manufacturers to court over the contamination of drinking water in Wainscott.
Making its debut this year in the Montauk Friends of Erin St. Patrick's Day parade on Sunday is a float by the Eastern Long Island Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation constructed from marine debris collected during the group’s recent beach cleanups.
The school board announced during its meeting last week that it will increase the budget for vocational education at the high school in an attempt to revamp the department by offering more relevant classes as well as modernizing existing ones.
A proposal to increase the permit fee for scaffolding and other sidewalk encumbrances and instituting a new fee for Dumpsters, construction vehicles, and other obstructions has triggered an outcry from business owners.
Clearing has begun for an energy-storage facility on a site between Fort Pond and Fort Pond Bay in Montauk after a sharply divided East Hampton Town Planning Board voted to approve the project on March 14.
The East Hampton Middle School’s eighth-grade English language arts class was assigned the task of reading “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” by Michael Pollan, an investigative look at the politics and trends behind the food supply and consumption in today’s society.
The Suffolk County Department of Health Services will offer private well testing to residents of Noyac next week as a result of preliminary findings from water tests conducted by the agency that show abnormally high levels of contaminants such as manganese, cobalt, and arsenic in the aquifer beneath the Sand Land mine on the Noyac-Bridgehampton border.
The Amagansett-Springs Aquifer Protection group and other residents have implored the East Hampton Town Board to act quickly to preclude additional development atop the Stony Hill aquifer in Amagansett.
Plans that were developed to address a scarcity of parking, dangerous conditions created by overcrowding, emergency vehicle access, and drainage issues clashed on Tuesday with residents’ collective frustration that Montauk’s rural character is already endangered by a flood of arrivistes, manifested at Ditch Plain in the form of the luxury sports cars occupying scant parking.
A 50-pound gray seal that had become entangled in a piece of gill netting was rescued on Saturday, a little after noon, on the shore between Georgica and Main Beaches.
The Amagansett School Board is facing the most important task any school board ever faces: replacing its chief school officer. The board has sent a message to parents and residents in the district inviting them to “assist the board in establishing direction for the selection process for the new superintendent of schools.
After months of back and forth, the East Hampton Village Zoning Board of Appeals and Ronald Perelman, the billionaire owner of the Creeks on Georgica Pond, agreed on Friday that some illegally built structures on his 58-acre estate would be eliminated.
Water samples obtained from 10 test wells drilled by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services around the Sand Land mine, on the border between Bridgehampton and Noyac, indicate the presence of abnormally high concentrations of nitrate, manganese, and cobalt in the aquifer below the mine, and lead, arsenic, and manganese in the surface water.
Two women were charged with felony possession of cocaine with intent to sell and drug paraphernalia on March 6, following an East Hampton Town police traffic stop.
Dogs and birds — not humans — are responsible for most of the fecal bacteria measured in Georgica Pond, with road runoff the primary source, according to a report from Stony Brook University’s School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences.
A Manhattan woman called police on March 5 when a dog outside the Citarella market bit into her jacket, making a hole.
An entrepreneur plans to grow local, wild species of finfish, kelp, and sea scallops in the Atlatic, about eight miles from shore.
As the East Hampton School District prepares to discontinue outsourcing its prekindergarten to the Whitmore Center, the center is looking to expand its research-based early education curriculum model to its younger students in the fall.
Jeff Heatley and Richard Barons will speak on Friday, March 23, at Clinton Academy about the encampment where American soldiers were quarantined after returning from the Spanish-American War.
On the heels of having received Deepwater Wind’s environmental and permitting assessments of its proposed 15-turbine offshore wind farm and transmission cable, the East Hampton Town Trustees agreed to ask the town board for an environmental review of the project.
Democrats seeking to unseat Representative Lee Zeldin sharpened their focus on the second-term congressman at a forum in Amagansett attacking his positions on guns and foreign policy and his ties to President Trump.
As students across the country plan walkouts on Wednesday to mark the one-month anniversary of the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., schools on the South Fork are preparing, as well.
Raw data from Suffolk Health Department test wells said to point to abnormally high concentrations of nitrate, manganese, and cobalt in the aquifer below the mine on Noyac's border with Bridgehampton, and lead, arsenic, and manganese in the surface water.
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