Combs's Stalker Arrested Again

Although East Hampton Town police have not yet released an arrest report, the stalker who was arrested at Sean Combs’s house in East Hampton last year after convincing police and a local security company that he was a relative of the music mogul, was arrested again by East Hampton Town police on Friday evening either on or near Mr. Combs’s property.
According to the police arrest and event reports for the week, police received a report of a “suspicious person” on Hedges Banks Road near North Hollow Drive, which is where Mr. Combs's residence is, at just before 8 p.m. on Friday.
Twenty-six minutes later, Quamine T. Taylor was placed under arrest. Police have not yet responded to requests for more information, nor have they said what the specific charge or charges against Mr. Taylor are. It was an apparently minor charge.
He was released from police headquarters last Friday with an appearance ticket for late in August.
Mr. Taylor told the court after his arrest on April 1, 2012, that he was from Queens and was 30 years old. He had taken a train from the Jamaica station on March 31, 2012, then a taxi from East Hampton train station to Mr. Combs’s house, he said, and broke in through an unlocked door to the basement. Mr. Combs was away, and there was nobody in the house at the time.
When he broke in, he unwittingly set off an alarm, alerting a private security company that something was amiss.
When a guard from the company showed up at the door, accompanied by an East Hampton police officer, Mr. Taylor convinced the guard that he was related to Mr. Combs and had permission to be on the property.
It was not until 24 hours later that a caretaker for Mr. Combs arrived at the house and alerted police that Mr. Taylor was an intruder.
Police returned and knocked on the door. Mr. Taylor was apparently wearing Mr. Combs’s bathrobe and was described as “partially dressed.” As police walked through the house, it was clear, according to the report released after that arrest, that Mr. Taylor had consumed a quantity of liquor and beverages and had helped himself to the food in Mr. Combs’s refrigerator.
On April 2, 2012, East Hampton Town Justice Lisa R. Rana set Mr. Taylor’s bail at $2,000, an amount Mr. Taylor never posted.
He eventually pled guilty to criminal trespass in the second degree and was sentenced to 120 days in jail. He had already served 90 days of that sentence, while awaiting the outcome of the court proceedings.
During the sentencing, Justice Rana issued an order of protection prohibiting Mr. Taylor from going to Mr. Combs’s property or near his person for the next five years.
Mr. Taylor had been arrested on the same charge 11 years earlier. He tried to convince police at that time that he was a relative of Mr. Combs.