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Letters to the Editor for June 27, 2024

Wed, 06/26/2024 - 18:14

Our Dear Mary
June 20, 2024

Dear David,

With great sadness we learned that our dear Mary Graves suddenly passed away last Monday.

Mary was such a bright spark! She lit up the room with her beautiful smile and her cheerful demeanor. No job was too small for Mary. She was diligent in every task sent her way. She was a careful packer and a dynamo with the broom. Beyond her work ethic, she brought thoughtful conversation and fabulous book recommendations to her fellow workers.

Strong bonds develop within our fellowship of volunteers, and we will all miss Mary. Always willing, always helpful, and patient on even the most trying days, she was a model volunteer. She loved the time she spent with us, and we in turn loved spending time with her.

We are so lucky to have had her among our team.

We extend our deepest condolences to Jack and his family.



Chair and Director

Springs Food Pantry


Historic Gateway
East Hampton
June 21, 2024


The recent decision by the town board to create a traffic circle at the Triangle Park at the intersection of Thee Mile Harbor Road, Springs-Fireplace Road, and North Main Street does not seem to make sense as either a traffic stabilizer or to improve the community. The North Main Street area is a dense residential area with historic amenities — such as the Dominy workshop and the land where the Dominy family built their windmills — along with the public vista of the last remaining open farmland, from 1650, with its the extant farmhouse, the Stephen Sherrill House, which is on the National Register of Historic Places, located across from the park.

There are other and better ways, that would not be detrimental to the neighborhood and the park, to improve the traffic than a traffic circle placed in a linear situation.

The Triangle Park was obtained in 1972 by the town after Edwin Sherrill Sr., my grandfather, informed the board that he was amenable to their acquiring it. At the time of the transfer, the Lions Club, which owned about 20 square feet at the point for a public marker, donated that portion to the town, as well.

The resolution adopted by the town board describes the reasoning for their purchase:

“WHEREAS, said property has such natural features as large trees, interesting vegetative cover, and natural drainage swale, all conducive to the environmental integrity of the adjacent residential neighborhood, and WHEREAS, the site would be strategically located as a gateway to the historic Hamlet of Springs, Three Mile Harbor, and at a junction of roads leading to other prominent hamlets of the town, and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the town’s Comprehensive Plan to preserve certain natural areas for the enjoyment of its residents as a parkland for the maintenance of ecological purposes, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the supervisor is authorized to enter into contract with Edwin Sherrill for the parcel of land . . . of approximately two acres of land for park and recreation purposes.”

The deed itself, after the normal metes and bounds description, states:

“TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises unto the said Town of East Hampton, its successors and assigns, so long as the premises are not used for any commercial or residential purposes. In the event that the premises are used for any commercial or residential purposes they shall revert to the grantor, his heirs, or assign; and in the further event of East Hampton shall be the owner at that time, the grantor, his heirs, or assigns shall repay the sum of $20,000 to the Town of East Hampton.”

Those heirs and assigns are my sister Mary and myself. We, as a family, were enthusiastic to have the beautiful land be saved from possible future construction that would be detrimental to the quality of the area and to have it kept as an open field. The triangle, up to that time, was grazing land for the farm horses while the cows grazed in the fields opposite. This was land that was used for grazing, like other fields in town, such as those common areas on Egypt Lane and Gay lane. The triangle was popular because it held several horses, and cars would stop and kids would get out to get a close look.

While the town has not maintained the land in that beautiful “grazing” condition, it always has the possibility of doing so.

It is important for the town to respect this agreement and maintain the historic quality of the area, preserve the park, and to calm traffic in a less destructive fashion.



June 23, 2024

To the Editor,

The June 18 meeting of the Springs Citizens Advisory Committee was a sad demonstration of the appalling lack of civility and cooperation that currently exists within our community. On the agenda was the proposed creation of a half-acre fenced area for small dogs within the current 20-plus-acre Springs Park. I came away disappointed and disheartened. Speaker after speaker —from among the well-organized opposition group in attendance —stated their objections to the plan because, essentially, they liked it the way it was. Speakers in support of the plan met with derision.

When the Springs Park first opened, many years ago, I was one of the first to use it. Unfortunately, I was knocked down and injured by a pack of dogs and on another occasion, my medium-size dog was attacked. I stopped going –- and will not go now with my small dog —because I do not want to risk injury. I am not alone. The Springs Park is taxpayer supported. It should be usable for all taxpayers. We need –- and should be entitled to have —an enclosed small-dog area within the park.

I’m old enough to remember when Springs citizens were interested in solutions that helped the community at large –- not just their own narrow interests. Increased safety and welfare (for example, reliable cell service in Springs) would be a shared goal. Clearly, those days are past.



Letter Positioning
June 21, 2024

To the Editor:

My letter in last week’s column presented information about John Avlon’s years as Rudy Giuliani’s flack, reported in major media outlets, easily retrieved in a single Google search. The East Hampton Town Democrats are counting on primary voters not to do that search.

My letter appeared immediately after Jonathan Yellen’s.*

Mr. Yellen (whom I do not know) is listed on the town Democratic Committee website as a member. I have mentioned in previous letters that when Voldemort wants the faithful to write to The Star, they do. Mr. Yellen’s letter spins Avlon’s years promoting Giuliani, during his mad campaign to close the Brooklyn Museum and his defense of N.Y.P.D. killings of unarmed Black men, as follows: “[A]s a young man, John wrote speeches for Rudy Giuliani when Rudy was ‘America’s mayor.’ . . . John wrote the eulogies that Rudy delivered for hundreds of 9/11 victims. That’s not MAGA. It’s not even political. That’s just old-fashioned American public service.”**

Sorry, Mr. Yellen, nothing personal, but that statement is egregious, empty blather of the kind I would have expected from the Republican Party. When the Democrats become indistinguishable, we have an existential problem. 

I offer two other opinions; I can’t prove them, but regard myself as a “common-sense” independent, able to read between the lines: Mr. Yellen does not in the slightest believe in these words himself. And may not even have written them. They don’t sound much like other letters of his to The Star over the years.

* The hermeneutics and semiotics of letter positioning are one of the intellectual pleasures of Star readership.

** Avlon was 35 when he last worked for Giuliani in 2008.

For Democracy in East Hampton,



Blatant Prejudice
East Hampton
June 24, 2024

To the Editor,

I was the victim of both road rage and the dereliction of duty by the East Hampton Town police. The latter for the third time. If you are a ”senior” in East Hampton Town, beware. The town police force will discount you. They have a very serious case of ageism among their other prejudices.

I was on Three Mile Harbor Road last week at 5:15 a.m.  No other traffic was on the road in either direction. Suddenly a very high white pickup was tailgating me. We were heading west near Round Swamp. He backed off briefly and then tried to pass me.

Unfortunately for both me and my car, he tried to pull in front of me too early and hit my car. I drove to the East Hampton Village police station at the firehouse.  He pulled in as tight to my back end as he could get without hitting me again. I tried to open my door but it would not open, due to the damage he had inflicted to my car. I was trapped.

Once the town police got there, they took him and his passenger behind his truck for over 20 minutes. No one came to me. After the female officer released him, without breathalyzing him, she finally walked to my door and handed me a receipt with her badge number and report number so that I could get the police report. I said, “You never interviewed me.” She said, “I have all I need.” Blatant prejudice and dereliction of duty! No one would have acted as he did without impaired judgment. I have a clean driving record after more than 55 years of driving.

Ageism, like all prejudice, is ugly and inexcusable. However, in the end, for those who are ageist, there is a price to pay. If you are fortunate enough to live a long life, ageism will come back to bite you, no matter who you were or who you think you are.




An Absurdity
North Haven
June 23, 2024

To the Editor,

The letter from Jeremy Grosvenor (June 13, 2024) is an absurdity. These hostages held by and with the assistance of Gaza citizens were properly the subject of rescue by the Israel Defense Forces. The loss of Gaza’s lives, while regrettable, was the direct consequence of the terrorist strike by Hamas into Israel on Oct. 7 and the murder, kidnapping, rape, and immolation of innocent Israeli citizens. What country would not want to rescue its citizens similarly held hostage? Israel needed to act decisively to save those hostages; if they did not, it would encourage additional brutal violence by Hamas in the future as Hamas had promised. All this was, of course, avoidable — had Hamas surrendered and released the hostages, none of this would happened.

Remember, in order to force the surrender of Japan and Germany near the end of World War II (in order to save the lives of American soldiers), it became necessary to strike Germany (Dresden) and Japan (Hiroshima and Nagasaki), causing the loss of thousands of civilian lives.

The same principle is operative here. Hamas poses an existential threat to Israel’s existence. It must be eradicated or at least neutered. The daring rescue of these hostages was part of that job.

Mr. Grosevnor, the silly little ditty you wrote is a simplistic and uninformed response to this brilliant and daring rescue operation. Try blaming Hamas.

[And in regard to the letter (May 30, 2024) from Brian Pope], Mr. Pope, consider the following:

1) On at least four separate occasions starting in 1947, the Palestinian people have been offered a homeland next to the State of Israel that was created by a partition of the British Mandate in the land called Palestine.

2) On every such occasion, Palestinian leadership has rejected such offers.

3) The Palestinians living in Gaza have chosen to be governed by an organization known as Hamas. Bluntly put, the motivating credo of Hamas is the extinction of the State of Israel, a goal to be accomplished by, among other ways, acts of terrorism against Israel.

4) The United States has classified Hamas as a terrorist entity.

5) Hamas is funded and aided by Iran in its conducting terrorist activities against Israel.

6) On Oct. 7, Hamas terrorists entered Israel and kidnapped, raped, assaulted, immolated, and murdered approximately 1,400 innocent Israelis.

7) Israel’s goal has been to wipe out Hamas.

8) To accomplish this goal, Israel’s military organization (I.D.F.) has had to seek to exterminate this dangerous enemy that operates within and as part of the civilian population of Gaza, has sites under hospitals and schools and operates a vast network of tunnels under civilian structures where its members meet, strategize, and store armaments.

9. In other words, Hamas itself has put the civilian population of Gaza at risk if Israel, as is its right, attempts to destroy and eradicate this enemy that has promised Israel that it will conduct such acts of terrorism in the future.

My question to you: What should Israel do to protect itself from Hamas?



East End Jews for Israel


Death Eaters
June 23, 2024

To the Editor,

What a great quote in The Star from the supervisor, “We will not hesitate to enforce our laws to ensure the well-being of our residents and the protection of our coastline.” Three words come to mind: Bay View Avenue. It’s 2,160 days since a structure came to block a road. But who’s counting? It’s 1,319 days since the town was sent letters of enforcement. Have you filed in court yet? Now it’s 278 days later, since the town passed the resolution. We are waiting. Just proved you can do it. Obviously, the homeowner already pulled off the Band-Aid with their own lawsuit against the town. I know we will be subjugated to another meeting once again. Homeowners with no permits, no valid permits, an illegal structure, and a nonpermitted row behind. Got to love the theater.

But that’s not all. The East End version of the Death Eaters for symmetry have written in droves about the alleged call of Voldemort, who some have said [comes] from that kingdom in Centereach. It will be interesting to see who pulls out the primary win. How will they act if their candidate loses? If movies weren’t enough, now to our weekly episodic viewing.

The version of “Game of Thrones” continues to play out at 320 Main Street. More casualties have arisen, as a certain group makes sure to get its side pay raises and, it has been alleged, kickbacks. I wonder if any will have remorse for their actions? Can those in the hierarchy learn the difference between diversity and inclusion? Haven’t yet.

Will it all topple? A Miami Herald article shows the actions of an actual active administration from this past December. Though the event was claimed to not be done intentionally, the teacher who hit a student with a ball received the proverbial ax to the head the next day. A delay, as the July 1 meeting will now be pushed back to July 8 or 9. No solid date until the handlers’ meeting is over. Interesting, a notice for this next meeting, unlike that May 28 meeting.

Reorganization. The summertime, when all boards make the biggest power-play moves while the public is at work or on vacation. Still watching the watchers. It’s all political soup.

Still Here,



Voter Integrity
June 21, 2024

Dear David,

I’ve been researching and educating myself about voter integrity, and the following is what I came up with. Welfare offices and other agencies in 49 states are providing voter-registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship. We should all call for any and all federal action to stop said handouts.

There is no requirement on federal voting forms to provide proof of U.S. citizenship, though it is illegal to falsely claim to be a citizen or for a noncitizen to sign and cast a ballot in any federal election.

Keep in mind, millions of migrants with humanitarian parole or refugee or even asylum status are eligible for benefits that would bring them to offices where voter registration takes place. I was always taught you must be a citizen to vote in the U.S.A.; it seems some parts of our Constitution are being played with. When I worked on the election board, anyone who came in to vote was given certain forms and never refused that right. What was done with those forms I don’t know. Keep in mind, very few persons came in. This is a good reason for demanding identification.

F.Y.I., a new strategy: All the Biden blunders, slip-ups, or tripping are fake. His wandering is also fake. Imagine that.

In God and country,




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