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Letters to the Editor 08.25.11


    East Hampton

    August 22, 2011

Dear David,

    This letter is an expression of our deep gratitude to Leif Hope for his steadfast commitment to the East Hampton Artists and Writers Annual Softball Game, which supports three important local organizations: East Hampton Day Care Learning Center, East End Hospice, and Phoenix House.

Aug 25, 2011
Letters to the Editor 08.18.11

Authors Night


    August 15, 2011

To the Editor,

    Thank you to all those involved who coordinated Authors Night, a Celebration of Books and 114 Years of Reading at the East Hampton Library.

Aug 18, 2011
Letters to the Editor 08.11.11

Finely Crafted

    East Hampton

    August 8, 2011

Dear David,

    I wanted to take a moment to commend East Hampton Boy Scout Troop 298 for raising $2,800 for Soldier Ride two weeks ago.

    The boys in the troop constructed a fine fishing rod and reel and conducted a raffle to raise the money.

    A brief encounter at Waldbaum’s with one of the boys’ mother presented me with the opportunity to buy the winning ticket.

    I’m not much of a fisherman, but a new hobby-sport awaits me and, I might add, I’m the en

Aug 11, 2011
Letters to the Editor 08.04.11

On the Beach

    East Hampton

    July 29, 2011

To The Editor:

    Maybe (?) East Hampton Town could — should — address at least one of the issues below concerning the beach in Wainscott on Beach Lane:

    1. The sign clearly says, “No Dogs between the hours of 10 a.m.-6 p.m.,” yet dogs are on the beach morning, noon, and night. Not only do owners disobey the sign, they often unleash their dogs, thus dogs wander onto people’s blankets (some of us are allergic to dogs!), plus dog poop is all over the beach.


Aug 3, 2011
Letters to the Editor - 07.28.11

Selfless Efforts


    July 22, 2011

To the Editor,

    On June 20 we suffered a serious fire at our home on Woodbine Drive in Springs. Fortunately, no one was home at the time and there were no injuries.

    But for the outstanding efforts of the volunteers of Springs, East Hampton, and Amagansett, our fire loss would have been much more severe.

Jul 28, 2011
Letters to the Editor 07.21.11

Incredible Kindness

    East Hampton

    July 18, 2011

Dear Editor:

    The recent loss of David Hartstein has left a crater in all of our hearts. His wife, Heather, and their three children, are stunned and reeling from his sudden absence. His parents and his brother, his extended family, and his wide circle of friends and patients are all shell-shocked.

Jul 20, 2011
Letters to the Editor 07.14.11



    July 6, 2011

Dear Editor

     Our town has become a place where people seem to be harboring more and more hate toward one another. I truly hope this story reaches all those who witnessed this incident, along with the individual that displayed such disgusting behavior. More important, we all should take the time to reflect on the ways that we treat each other.

Jul 13, 2011
Letters to the Editor 07.07.11

Health Services


    June 28, 2011

Dear Editor,

    After the initial shock of my husband’s death four years ago, it became apparent that my life would be forever changed, not only on an emotional level but because the money was gone. Everyone said in concern, “Life goes on, and you must go on.” However, you must be able to pay for the necessities of life.

    I found myself doing with less, a lot less than I was used to. We were not wealthy. We were working people in the fishing industry from Montauk.

Jul 7, 2011
Letters to the Editor - 06.30.11

Gentle Soul


    June 20, 2011

To the Editor,

    The lights of Main Street appeared dimmer this weekend when the news spread about David Hartstein, a gentle soul who left us all too soon.

    It’s funny how life works. Although David and I worked and lived in the same community, it had been some time since we had seen each other, but about a month ago our paths crossed again and it felt as though time had melted away, as if it had been just a few days since we saw each other.

Jun 30, 2011
Letters to the Editor - 06.23.11

David Hartstein

    East Hampton

    June 20, 2011

To the Editor,

    David Hartstein came into our community and with goodness and devotion to his skill made many lives better. I do not fathom a lesson from his passing. I just know I will miss him very much.


Good Fathers

    Gyongyos, Hungary

    June 19, 2011

Dear David,

    I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed Bridget LeRoy’s piece about her father.

Jun 22, 2011
Letters to the Editor - 06.16.11

Mess Remains

    East Hampton

    June 10, 2011

To the Editor,

    Shame on East Hampton for allowing its beaches to deteriorate.

    I went to the beach on Memorial Day weekend at Beach Lane in Wainscott. Walking barefoot on the sand is a thing of the past. Litter was everywhere. I counted the remnants of 15 fires — burnt wood, charcoal, cigarette butts, clamshells, chicken bones, corncobs, and broken glass. Broken wood was scattered all around; some of the wood was “hidden” under a thin layer of sand.

Jun 16, 2011
Letters to the Editor - 06.09.11

This Season

    East Hampton

    June 3, 2011

Dear David,

    Just a quick note before the golf team heads up to the state tournament. We would like to express our thanks to certain members of our community. First, the East Hampton High School athletic department for its organization, dedication, and care for our extra season, especially Pat Hand and Joe Vos.

    Second, to our principals, Mr. Fine and Ms.

Jun 8, 2011