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Letters to the Editor - 05.19.11

What Price?


    May 12, 2011

To the Editor,

    I would like to give thanks and praise to the work and commitment to teaching excellence that has been the mission of all the teachers, staff, school boards, and principals who have been serving our children at Stella Maris (originally St. Andrew’s) for well over 100 years.

    Since 2000, my two daughters attended school there. In December 2005 our family split up. We had to sell our house and move to Manorville. It was particularly difficult on my youngest.

May 31, 2011
Letters to the Editor - 05.26.11

Beach Has Changed


    May 18, 2011

To the Editor,

    I am writing to add my thoughts about the lawsuit over control of the beach in Amagansett.

    I have spent summers in Amagansett for over 40 years. I went to summer camp here as child, was an ocean lifeguard at Indian Wells Beach for two years, and am delighted that now my children can grow up and spend their summers here as well.

May 26, 2011
Letters to the Editor - 05.12.11


    East Hampton

    May 6, 2011

To the Editor,

    I thank you for publishing my comments about leaf blowing in this week’s paper. This note today is not being written for publication unless you think it might be worthwhile. It is simply polite observation.

    I notice that you have published some letters containing rather inflammatory language, some of which I think, and hope others would as well, borders on an affront and insult to others.

May 11, 2011
Letters to the Editor - 05.05.11

This Year’s Cleanup


    May 2, 2011

To the Editor,

    I would like to extend thanks to the many, many volunteers who turned out at the Montauk Movie Theater on Sunday to collect trash throughout the hamlet. We were able to put more than 70 bags of trash into the Dumpster, along with wheels, tires, life jackets, car seats, and other unidentifiable objects from the beaches, roads, and parking lots of Montauk.

May 5, 2011
Letters to the Editor 4.14 pg.2

Albert Einstein

    Key West, Fla.

    April 6, 2011

Dear David,

     I thought that your readers might be interested in my interview on National Public Radio.

    On Wednesday, March 16, I was interviewed by Dick Gordon of “The Story in North Carolina” for a broadcast on NPR. The interview was about my book, “My Father and Albert Einstein,” that was published in 2008 by iUniverse.

    I’m not sure if or when the interview would be broadcast in the East Hampton area.

Apr 14, 2011
Letters to the Editor 4.14

Cherish This Lifestyle

    East Hampton

    April 7, 2011

To the Editor,

    I am a lucky man.

    I purchased property in East Hampton 25 years ago. I held on to it while I worked, thinking of building on it some day. I built my house in 1997. In April of 1998 I retired and moved here with my wife to live full time.

    This Bronx boy is living his dream each day I ride the beach in my truck and fish. At nearly 75, I am grateful that East Hampton is a community where dollars in one’s pocket cannot alter heritage and history.

Apr 14, 2011
Worth a Visit

I am enthusiastically writing to recommend Race Lane restaurant. Recently open for the season, there is a new chef fresh from Nantucket. The menu still has last year’s favorites and some absolutely amazing additions...

Apr 7, 2011
New Perspective

One has to wonder if Richard Higer, a regular on these pages, would benefit from widening his source material for his diatribes outside his admitted main source of information, The New York Times. If that were the case, he might be reminded that the Congressional Budget Office is only committed to evaluating on the legislative assumptions incorporated in the actual bills it reviews.

Apr 7, 2011
A Limited War

Years ago in my father’s effort to educate his simple son, he advised me that life was not black and white, pure and impure. He stated life was 10 percent black, 10 percent white, and the remaining 80 gray. In that large area I would be compelled to think...

Apr 7, 2011
Kalikow Dock

From the standpoint of someone who has sailed in the lake, the Kalikow dock creates the need for entirely new traffic patterns for those who use small types of craft (sunfish, kayak, canoe, etc.), and there are many during the summer.

Apr 7, 2011
Longer-Term Good

Sometimes it’s the public, not just a private individual or business, that has to yield immediate benefits for the sake of sound long-term planning. Your carefully thought-out editorial about Bostwick’s current effort to get a permit for a new roof makes the point about a typical case.

Apr 7, 2011
Great Generosity

On behalf of the board of directors, I wish to thank Ben Krupinski and his crew for the recent renovation at the Springs Parsons House, home of the Springs Library. Mr. Krupinski, with great generosity and community spirit, undertook this work...

Apr 7, 2011