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Rethinking God

A survey by the Pew Research Center observed that 63 percent of Jews say they’re either “fairly certain they believe in God” or are in some place of nonbelief or questioning. Unless we have an honest an conversation about spirituality, this “God gap” will continue to widen.

Sep 26, 2019
Postcard From the Brink

The Global Climate Strike, a weeklong demonstration that starts Sept. 20, offers a chance to reflect on ethical choices we can make to do what’s right for nature and animals while we can still make a difference.

Sep 19, 2019
‘Art, Get a Wetsuit’

The first time I did a half-mile open water swim I came in last and was the only one without a wetsuit. At my age, why would I possibly want a wetsuit?

Sep 12, 2019
Goodbye, Indian Wells

Labor Day weekend is always bittersweet.

Sep 5, 2019
Genius Reconsidered

A retrospective for the most misunderstood artist of the 20th century.

Aug 29, 2019
The Beatles at Shea, 1966

On an August night 53 years ago, teenybopper screaming subsumed every sound. Then teenybopper weeping filled the giant soup bowl that was Shea Stadium. I wonder why we went?

Aug 22, 2019
Remembering Hal Prince

The Broadway legend offered encouragement to a young composer and conductor, and it stuck with her for a lifetime.

Aug 15, 2019

I’ve watched Tom Wolfe at a church bazaar, was elbow to elbow with Bianca Jagger at the video store, browsed books with Billy Joel, shopped for antiques with Martha Stewart, and saw Candice Bergen outside Citarella. I admit it, whenever I see someone famous, I go a little goofy.

Aug 8, 2019
Lurking in the Grass

Playing Major League Baseball might have been my dream come true. Or my death sentence.

Aug 1, 2019
Seeking Refuge, One Person at a Time

As social workers and educators, the lens through which we consider the migrant and refugee is deeply rooted in humanistic values and a faith-based tradition of welcoming strangers. Whatever your view of the immigration “debate,” it is imperative to acknowledge each person’s dignity as a human being.

Jul 25, 2019
Walden Revisited

When Memorial Day approached, my thoughts turned to Henry David Thoreau. Like him, I “want but little.” Where better to get in touch with nature and contemplate the meaning of life than our house in the Hamptons?

Jul 18, 2019
The Naked Truth

Despite two failed marriages, I still loved men. The way they smell. The way they see life. The way it feels to kiss them. I knew I couldn’t find myself on a diet of self-help, yoga, and girlfriends, as much as I love those things. The naked truth was that I needed men to get over the men who’d let me down. In fact, I needed a lot of them. 

Jul 10, 2019