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The Walgreens Welcome

Breaking news, Verizon. There’s a new kid in town, a challenger for your WCW crown — Worst Company in the World.

Dec 19, 2019
Satirizing the Third Reich

“Jojo Rabbit” is told from the point of view of a boy during the war. I was a boy at the same time. And I had trouble laughing.

Dec 12, 2019
William Ruckelshaus, Eco-Hero

Remembering William Ruckelshaus, the first administrator of the E.P.A., a principled government official whose life was dedicated to environmental leadership.

Dec 5, 2019
Guestwords: Longing for Light

There is no greater pain than the feeling of shame. I know. As a victim of clerical sexual abuse, my tears waited nearly half a century to stream from my eyes.

Nov 27, 2019
When Will We Ever Learn?

I don’t know if any one of us ever really got through John F. Kennedy’s assassination.

Nov 21, 2019
Guestwords: The Uninvited Guest

There’s one big reason for not hosting Thanksgiving — the turkey.

Nov 14, 2019
Guestwords: For Marcelo Lucero

A marathon story-shaping Freedom Forum at Stony Brook University on Saturday is dedicated to the memory of Marcelo Lucero, the Ecuadorean immigrant who was stabbed to death in Patchogue in 2008.

Nov 7, 2019
Guestwords: Anchored to Life

It’s the rhythm of the natural world that keeps us grounded, and what we need most in desperate times. That’s what I came to understand when I was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer.

Oct 31, 2019
Guestwords: The Last Time

I doubt Roy was thinking “last time” on Jan. 2, 2010, as he walked down the driveway of the Montauk house where we had shared 36 years of summers and weekends. But that’s just the thing about the last time: Plans don’t matter.

Oct 24, 2019
Martinis on Christopher St.

I loved my nirvana on the corner where I savored chance encounters with all comers — locals, tourists, art and film mavens, even an occasional boldface name. But then began my maiden skirmish in N.Y.C.’s internecine war over booze.

Oct 17, 2019
Tomato Time

The sight of the local farm stand bounty conjures a sense memory of an early fall in Indiana, and the stovetop follies of a group of friends.

Oct 10, 2019
Officers in Blue, Please Don’t Sue

It’s a mistake to allow police officers to sue the families of children or adults who have mental illness when something goes wrong after a 911 call. This may set a precedent the consequences of which could be a reluctance to make the call in the first place or even lost work because of time in court.

Oct 3, 2019